Moving Expenses Deduction
May 17, 2013
The Benefits of Job Costing
July 23, 2013For individuals considering adoption or currently involved in the adoption process CRA offers an Adoption Tax Credit.
Adoption period:
- begins at the earlier of :
- the time the eligible child’s adoption file is opened with a provincial or territorial ministry responsible for adoption (or an adoption agency licensed by a provincial or territorial government); and
- the time, if any, that an application related to the adoption is made to a Canadian court; and
- ends at the later of :
- the time an adoption order is issued by, or recognized by, a government in Canada in respect to the child; and
- the time that the child first begins to reside permanently with you
Eligible adoption expenses are:
- fees paid to an adoption agency licensed by a provincial or territorial government
- court costs and legal and administrative expenses related to an adoption order in respect of the child
- reasonable and necessary travel and living expenses of the child and the adoptive parents
- document translation fees
- mandatory fees paid to a foreign institution
- mandatory expenses paid in respect of the immigration of the child
- any other reasonable expenses related to the adoption that are required by a provincial or territorial government or adoption agency
Completing your tax return:
- the maximum claim per child is $11,128 – the two adoptive parents can split eligible expenses as long as the total combinedclaim is not more than the amount before the split
- parents can claim these incurred expenses in the tax year including the end of the adoption period in respect of the child
- you must reduce your eligible expenses for any reimbursements or other forms of assistance you received.
- keep all your documents in case CRA asks to see them